Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nehemiah 8


Unknown said...

a couple of things stood out to me here. 1. although the teachings had been neglected and forgotten by many, there were some who must have kept re-telling and teaching and upholding them in their homes as we see here in verse 7 that there were some who expounded the teachings to the crowd. I want to be one of those homes that daily opens His Word and hears it and seeks to understand and apply it. Lord, please protect my family from ever losing that discipline, and may our first thoughts be directed toward You and Your truths each day and may we step out in the paths of righteousness as we follow the light Your Word shines upon our day. Always.

Second. The reaction the people were to have when they realized how terribly they had neglected the Word of the Lord. They were not to weep and mourn and feel oh so sorry for themselves about how awful they had been. They were to lift up their chins, get a sparkle in their eye and a spring in their step and rejoice in the the hope and truth and joy of the Gospel.

They were to CELEBRATE! I love that. I pray also that we will always be a home that celebrates the gospel and celebrates the gift of life and seasons and all the good gifts that come from His hand.

"If we are to be like Jesus- if we are to have ears that hear God's voice- then we have just found two habits worth imitating: the habits of prayer and bible reading." Max Lucado, Just Like Jesus.

Mac an Rothaich said...

Sigh, I am a little out of it lately... I think I commented about this chapter last week... Basically I was moved that even though they where filled with sorrow it was important on that holy day that they celebrate instead and I thought there is something really beautiful in that! So I feel like every day is holy to my Lord as I seek to live for him and so I guess I should be always celebrating! Well, Jesus is worth that:)

Jude said...

I was thinking that I would have liked to be there at this great assembly where the scrolls of Moses were read. It made me very thankful for the easy accessibility to God's word that I enjoy. I read it everyday. Most of these people would not be able to read I would suspect.

I also loved the idea of the purity of listening to lengthy portions of God's word. I have to admit that until recently, I would have been bored with such a prospect but it is so very appealing to me. Bible reading in the park...let's do thay someday!