Monday, May 10, 2010

Numbers 14


Unknown said...

I find verses 13-19 remarkable. Moses is not pleading for the sake of the people and their "salvation" He is pleading for the cause of the glory and testimony of God's grace and goodness and love to the nations. It is a remarkable concept.

Also, the fact that the Lord gave them what they asked for... horrific really. They wanted to die in the desert rather than at the hands of the Canaanites, and God said, "Alright, die in desert then." (v29) How often do we out of fear or laziness or ignorance turn our backs on the good God has in store for us and choose to wallow in the mud because it is familiar and non-threatening, while the unknown mountain peaks seem foreboding? Yet indeed He seeks to take us to High Places and make us fly on wings like Eagles!

But we can't climb that mountain without His hand of guidance and blessing (v43-44) He wants to take us there, but He wants us to trust Him and let Him guide us and clear the path. When we forge ahead, it is as foohardy as balking and turning our backs on His will.

Jude said...

My thoughts exactly! Just want to be in the will of God, experience His plan b/c it is always the best, have the courage to go his way and hear His direction. I really, really do not want to be like the Israelites who must have somehow missed the miracles going on around them and chosen to ignore God who was very visibly there with them and providing for them daily. Lord, please help me to see your leading everyday...even when it is too big for my eyes and ear and mind and heart to take in.