Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2 Kings 10


Denise said...


“In his zeal, Jehu went far beyond the Lord’s command with this bloodbath. The prophet Hosea later announced punishment upon Jehu’s dynasty for this senseless slaughter. Many times in history, “religious” people have mixed faith with personal ambition, power, or cruelty, without God’s consent or blessing. To use God or the Bible to condone oppression is wrong. When people attack Christianity because of atrocities that “Christians” carried out, help them to see that these men and women were using faith for their own political ends and not following Christ.”

10: 30,31
“Jehu did much of what the Lord told him to, but he did not obey him with all his heart. He had become God’s INSTRUMENT for carrying out justice, but he had not become God’s SERVANT. As a result, he gave only lip service to God while permitting the worship of the gold calves. Check the condition of your heart toward God. We can be very active in our work for God and still not give the heartfelt obedience he desires.”

Denise said...


“In his zeal, Jehu went far beyond the Lord’s command with this bloodbath. The prophet Hosea later announced punishment upon Jehu’s dynasty for this senseless slaughter. Many times in history, “religious” people have mixed faith with personal ambition, power, or cruelty, without God’s consent or blessing. To use God or the Bible to condone oppression is wrong. When people attack Christianity because of atrocities that “Christians” carried out, help them to see that these men and women were using faith for their own political ends and not following Christ.”

10: 30,31
“Jehu did much of what the Lord told him to, but he did not obey him with all his heart. He had become God’s INSTRUMENT for carrying out justice, but he had not become God’s SERVANT. As a result, he gave only lip service to God while permitting the worship of the gold calves. Check the condition of your heart toward God. We can be very active in our work for God and still not give the heartfelt obedience he desires.”