Thursday, June 17, 2010

Proverbs 6


Unknown said...

"ants have no commander, no leader or ruler, but they store up food in the summer and gather their supplies at harvest." v7-8

this is a bit of a life verse for me. Numerous times God has convicted me of my dilligence in being that woman who is "busy managing her home" ala Titus 2. So many things draw us away from that and it is HARD work to keep my shoulder to the plow and not lose sight of the work and ministry I have been called to as a wife, mother and keeper of the home. It is a daily effort for me to evaluate, choose and enforce what choices will allow me to keep my priorities straight and which will hinder. It's hard because many times I have to say no to "good" things. I have to continuously tell myself that I am in the season of "sowing" in my home, and it is a busy time. I will have plenty of time after harvest to experience the freedom and blessing of repose and recreation.

Shailey said...

"my son, obey your fathers commands and don't neglect your mother's teaching keep them always in your heart, tie them around your neck. verse 20-21

God gives us a father and mother to teach us to read the Bible,thier like Gods helpers,they teach us what is right and wrong just like the Bible does.

Denise said...

I agree PC! I struggle with this everyday and very often fail I must admit.

"Those last few moments of sleep are delicious; we savour them as we resist beginning another workday. But Proverbs warns against giving in to the temptation of laziness, of sleeping instead of working. This does not mean we should never rest: God gave the Jews the Sabbath, a weekly day of rest and restoration. But we should not rest when we should be working. The ant is used as an example because it utilizes its energy and resources economically. If laziness turns us from our responsibilities, poverty may soon bar us from the legitimate rest we should enjoy."

In looking at my choices, as PC mentioned, I often find myself saying "yes" to the good things and not spending enough time being diligent in "sowing" my home. Something I definitely need to work on...