Friday, September 17, 2010

Ezekiel 22


Unknown said...

sickeningly, horrifyingly sad. We are a degenerate people who without the work of the Holy Spirit and the redemption of Jesus Christ are capable of digging our hole deeper and deeper and burying ourselves alive in the ugliness of our sins.

Chris said...

vs.30 - I looked for a man among them that would...stand in the gap..., but I found none.

This brings to mind Jeremiah, Abraham and Moses, for starters, who all chose to stand in the gap and plead for the redemption of God's people who had done wrong.

Jesus stands in the gap for us now, and maybe that explains that befuddling question of 'if we are cleansed from all unrighteousness, what about when we as believers sin?' We are redeemed, but still need forgiveness. (we talked a bit about this one at youth on Tues) Jesus continues to stand in the gap for us. Very grateful for that, and keenly aware of my need for continual repentance.

Joan said...

vs. ..."stand in the gap..." My study bible indicates that we need to stand in the gap and make a difference for God in the world. But first we need to make sure that we are applying the principles of God's word to our lives.