Saturday, September 18, 2010

Matthew 14


Unknown said...

My devotional notes say "John's unfair execution disturbed Jesus deeply, but he could not escape either the crowds of people or his disciples. yet Jesus showed compassion on the people and met their needs.

That last sentence just really struck me. Our character trait in school this week that we were focusing on was compassion. I also find myself in a situation where I feel I desperately want "downtime" but can't get any. I've been thinking again how our society screams "me time" when Jesus example was one of continuous giving even when he was stretched so thin himself.

And so I will look to those words "Jesus showed compassion on the people and met their needs" and will seek to make that my calling as well.

Joan said...

My application Bible has so so many applications in this chapter. I love it! Just one - vs. 9 - Herod did not want to kill John the Baptist, but he gave the order so that he wouldn't be embarrassed in front of his guests. How easy it is to give in to the crowd and to let ourselves be pressured into doing wrong. Don't get in a situation where it will be too embarrassing to do what is right. Determine to do what is right, no matter how embarrassing or painful it may be.