Thursday, October 14, 2010

Proverbs 18


Unknown said...

"a person who doesn't work hard is just like someone who destroys things."

I realize the truth in this verse. In recent months I have been really focusing on working hard to do my best at my first calling of wife, mother, and manager of our family and home. There are seasons in my life where I just "try to get by", just eeking out the bare minimum and wishing I could escape (and often escaping any way I could, through the computer, through social activity, etc). But when I was not committed to giving my best to my work, my home and relationships were slowly crumbling and rather than improving, there was a pattern of destruction. It is hard work and requires so much discipline to stay focused and give my best, but the results in my home, marriage and filial relationships are so rewarding. As the other verse says "a wise woman "builds" her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands." Proverbs 14:1

"a real friend will be more loyal than a brother." v24

I want to be that kind of friend. The kind of friend that might not be there hamming it up every moment of every day (see above for why), but when you have a need, she's there. And will give you all she has to support and comfort and walk alongside you when you need it.

Chris said...

vs. 17 jumps out at me. We talked at youth this week about open and closed hands when it comes to convictions... how some people jump onto each new passing ship of thought without giving weight to it's credibility... comes along with vs. 2, come to think of it.

Pchick, you bless so many of us, I've been lifting you up as well, praying that God is showing you more of Himself daily.

Joan said...

"rumors are dainty morsels that sink deep into one's heart" vs. 8.
My Bible includes gossip in this verse as well. It says you can resist rumors the same way a determined dieter resists candy - never even open the box or I say don't even have it in the house. If you don't nibble on the first bite of gossip, you can't take the second and the third.
This is so true. At one point in my life I was determined to get out of the house and meet with others in a coffee shop. I found myself getting way to interested in "gossip" that I knew that I could not go anymore.

Thanks, PChick for your comments everyday and your concern for all of us. It is very much appreciated.