Thursday, October 21, 2010

Proverbs 19


Unknown said...

"Enthusiasm without knowledge is not good. If you act too quickly, you might make a mistake." v2

This brought back to mind Joan's great comment from yesterday. I always find Job difficult to read, when I am listening to his friends, because I know that while there is truth in what they are saying, they are also "enthusiastically misguided" and it takes work to decipher and not just read as "thus sayeth the Lord." I sometimes wonder if this doesn't occur elsewhere in scripture too, and where we need to exercise caution in viewing man's words as the Lord's words. Or customs as biblical mandates.

"Smart people are patient, they will be honored if they ignore insults." v11

This is a great life verse. Ignoring insults is a GREAT trait to have.

Those who respect the Lord will live and be satisfied, unbothered by trouble. v23

It struck me that the misguided person could read this and believe that it means that they won't HAVE trouble if they respect the Lord and trust in His promises. But in reality, in order to be UNBOTHERED by trouble, it means you will HAVE trouble, but it won't bother you. Jesus said, surely in this life you WILL HAVE TROUBLE. I love being able to be UNBOTHERED by trouble when I rest in His sovreignty and grace.

Chris said...

Heh! vs 2 and vs 11 were both starred already... I've obviously been moved by them before- I love coming across previous aha! moments in my Bible. vs2 seems go pair up nicely with vs8 too.

vs.11 is definitely a verse for children (and adults) to memorize... the NIV says 'overlook an offense'... might suggest it's something that would wound more than a light insult...

I thought of vs.6 in context with popular blogs with many giveaways... everyone is a fan when there's a freebie involved.

vs 21 always sobers me quickly... I find myself telling God what I'd like him to do in my life, and trying to sell Him on the finer points... how foolish! Seek His kingdom and His righteousness...

Berry Girl said...

Proverbs is just full of gems. You've both touched on some really great stuff.

On a different note, I always laugh a little when I hit v.18 - "Discipline your son while there is still hope, And do not desire his death".
Sometimes, you just want to throttle them :)

Joan said...

Wisdom wisdom and more wisdom. A quality that promotes success and a good reputation.

vs. 8 "to acquire wisdom is to love oneself". Life application says "is it good to love yourself? Yes, when your soul is at stake! This proverb does not condone the self-centered person who loves and protects his or her selfish interests and will do anything to serve them. Instead it encourages those who really care about themselves to seek wisdom. I need to be constantly seeking wisdom.

But everything really all boils down to vs. 21 "You can make many plans but the Lord's purpose will prevail".

Unknown said...

great thoughts here, ladies. Loved your insight.