Thursday, October 28, 2010

Proverbs 20


Unknown said...

"People's thoughts can be like a deep well, but someone with understanding can find the wisdom there." v5

I know my thoughts can be like a deep well. Sometimes I drown in their depths, LOL! I have to always remind myself to lighten up. Remember the simple things. Life is complictated yes, but the things that really matter are very simple. Love God with all my heart, and love others and place myself in a position of humility that will love and serve them no matter where they are at or what they are doing. I am called to love. sometimes love (and wisdom) requires much less thought and much more action.

Chris said...

vs.25 reminds me of our Matthew passage on marriage!

Seems to be lots about God knowing the innermost parts of us... today this feels reassuring... sometimes it feels more shameful...hard to remember that Jesus' blood covers us even as we come to grips with the sin in our lives and deal with them one by one; that he deals with us as loving Father. Definitely something to treasure and celebrate.

Berry Girl said...

great thoughts - Chris, I didn't catch that the first time but yes, it reminds me of that passage too!

I just love the poetry in Proverbs - "Bread obtained by falsehood is sweet to a man, But afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel" (v.17). Very visual :)

Joan said...

I love vs. 24 - "The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?" As I've experienced so far in my "short" life, some things we will never understand until years later (or maybe never in our lifetime) when we look back and see how God was working. As this proverb counsels us - don't worry if we don't understand everything as it happens. Instead, trust God - He knows what he's doing even if His timing is not clear to us.