Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Job 8


Unknown said...

There is so much truth here, but I'm always so sceptical when reading the words of Job's friends... truth with a misguided turn to it is no longer real truth after all, is it?

"Your children sinned against God, and He punished them for their sins." v4

Maybe Job's children were wanton revelers (does Job 1:5 allude to this?. But whatever the case their death was not brougth about from God as judgement for their sin. There is so much more going on in the big picture here.

"If you are good and honest, He will stand up for you and bring you back where you belong. Where you began will seem unimportant because your future will be so successful." v6-7 In Job's case this was really true, but this will not be true in all cases. In some cases people suffer and die destitute and broken, and yet God's ETERNAL plans for them are glorious. It doesn't mean it will always work out happily ever after here on earth.

I love this;

"Papyrus plants cannot grow where there is no swamp, and reeds cannot grow tall without water... they will dry up quicker than grass. So this is what will happen to those who forget God. What they hope in is easily broken; what they trust is like a spider's web. The lean on it but it breaks, they grab it but it does not hold up." v11-15

Neither can we grow if not rooted in the living water, sending our roots down deep into fertilized soil drawing nutrients from the giver of life. If we don't we are transient and frail, when we do we are fortified and enriched.

Berry Girl said...

There are definitely moments of truth in what they are saying, however what strikes me is how unaware they are (as we all are) of what was actually happening in the spiritual realm.

While he's accusing Job of sinning (the cause and effect thing - you sinned, God is punishing you), God had pronounced Job as being blameless in chapters 1 and 2.

It just struck me how little we can truly understand the ways of God.