Thursday, December 23, 2010

Proverbs 28


Unknown said...

"If you refuse to believe what you have been taught, your prayers will not be heard." v9

When we pray, we are communicating, in a RELATIONSHIP. If we are running from a relationship, avoiding the commitment and sacrifice it requires, how can we expect our communication to be received? It is false, it is wanting to receive and not to commit, that's why it is hollow and useless.

"If you confess and reject (your sins) you will receive mercy." v13

I have found this to be so true. It is not enough to realize my sin within myself, but when I confess it, it gives me the impetus (accountability) to reject it, and to strive for victory. It also gives the added support (moral and prayer) of those I have confessed to.

"Those who work their land will have plenty of food but the ones who chase empty dreams instead will end up poor." v19

How thankful I am to not have a dreamer husband, pursuing, pursuing, pursuing some dream just out of reach. A practical, hardworking, reliable, dependable, responsible husband.

"Those who correct others will later be liked more than those who give false praises." v23

So true as well. I find this really hard to practice and of course it absolutely has to be rooted and grounded in love and compassion, but I know that the friends I most value in my life are the ones who have had the courage to tell me what they REALLY think about certain of my behaviors, habits, or vices, to challenge me and encourage me to be all that I can be.

Lois said...

Good thought!