Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2 Samuel 15


Unknown said...

I couldn't help but contrast the statement of Ittai to David with the statement of the apostles to Jesus.

Ittai said; "As surely as the Lord lives... I will stay with you, whether it means life or death." v21

"But Peter said, "I will never say that I don't know you! I will even die with you! And all the other followers said the same thing." Matthew 26:35

but a few verses later we see "All of Jesus followers left Him and ran away." 26:35

Berry Girl said...

Wow, is that ever drama and intrigue! I'm so loving the reading of this.

Berry Girl said...

Also, on a deeper note, I love how David sends the Ark back, knowing that possession of the Ark did not guarantee God's favor, and that keeping it would be putting more faith in the object than in God Himself.