Saturday, November 14, 2009

Acts 15


Berry Girl said...

I find this whole chapter interesting, but for some reason the last part intrigues me the most. The division between Paul and Barnabas over John Mark.
My notes say that this was not an amicable parting, and that simply the fact that Paul was a disciple of Jesus Christ should have been reason enough for Barnabas to submit to his authority.

however, this unfortunate incident gave opportunity for Paul to bring along Silas, who my Bible says was "perfectly suited to be Paul's companion". I love how even bad situations like the one between Paul and Barnabas can still be used by God for a better outcome.

Unknown said...

I just taught this chapter in club last week. On having joy and trusting in God even in the crappiest of circumstances. Paul and Silas, thrown in prison unjustly, still worshipping and not bailing when they had the opportunity.

And because of that solid faith and the fruit of the spirit the jailer was drawn to faith.

I was also struck by the part in the very beginning where Paul circumcised Timothy to appease the Jewish side of his family... not sure I had ever read or registered that whole Greek father/upbringing aspect of Timothy's life.