Monday, November 30, 2009

Leviticus 18


Unknown said...

Obey my laws and rules; a person who obeys them will live because of them. v5

Wow. REading this right after what I just wrote in Hebrews really brings it home again. This was the covenant at that time. Now, even if we lived by every letter of the law, it would not give us life.

Flipping back to Hebrews 10 after this;

v1 The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship.

Hoo. Powerful stuff. Spiritual Steak for breakfast. :)

Denise said...

My version of v5 reads, "If you obey my decrees and my regulations, you will find life through them." So different from the list of rules I thought the Bible imposed upon people (this was before I became a Christian and actually looked at the Bible). The rules are to keep us spiritually, morally, physically, socially healthy. Through these rules we find LIFE not a strangling list of "don'ts" that are imposed upon us.

My notes state, "God did not want his people absorbed into the surrounding culture and environment. Society may pressure us to conform to its way of life and thought, but yielding to that pressure will (1) create confusion as to which side we should be on and (2) eliminate our effectiveness in serving God. Follow God by obeying his Word, and don't let the culture around you mold your thoughts and actions"

Thanks Prairie Chick for the reminder of what is important. I really appreciated the email this morning.

Chris said...

Nothing like spelling it out to avoid confusion, hey? I love how God continues to say "I am the LORD your God."

vs. 5 reminds me of the "honor and obey your parents, then you will have a long life and it will go well with you" Dishonor and disobey? Don't be surprised if your life sucks. :D (rabbit trail, I know)

I'm glad for the morning email too. Thanks.