Saturday, April 24, 2010

Haggai 1


Jude said...

Mmmm..makes me sit back and evaluate priorities. Am I giving as God would have me, time, talents and so on. Am I getting the thing done that he would want me to get done. I strive for it but also know that I miss the messages he sends and maybe even choose not to listen at times.

Mac an Rothaich said...

A simple message I saw here. Simply reminding us that even though it doesn't make sense to our human minds CONTENTMENT is only found in putting God first. The more you have the more you want and if you have Jesus there is nothing more you need but you can only realize this if you choose everyday to put him first, even ahead of your self.

I don't see this as a self effort to sacrifice stuff but more a calling to sacrifice our heart and give it to him.

Much like with our husbands, they can tell if we are just giving them serves and stuff and yet guarding our hearts. They will always feel unloved unless we are giving them our hearts. So Christ knows the difference between physically service and actual heart service. I don't want to do this to my husband or my God.

I asked my man just the other day to be alone with me more so I can love him with all my heart and do my service for this family out of that instead of doing the service and being upset inside about all that is required of me... you know, wanting to give all willingly and with joy... so I see I also need to spend more time with my Lord Jesus so I can find that same kind of relationship and the sacrifice and correct placement of priorities will follow...

Yeah, this chapter spoke to me about things in my life right now and I hope my thoughts made sense to you all...

Unknown said...

Intro to Haggai,

C.S. Lewis wrote, "You can't get second things by putting them first.". Wise advice about setting priorities. Unfortunately, it's easy to focus on second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth things instead.

What should be first? A person's relationship with God. God's message throught eh prophet Haggai hit the Jews where it hurt- right in their priorities. They had returned to Jerusalem from exile in Babylone with the challenge of rebuilding the Temple. they had behun their work but somewhere along the line had left the task.

The temple was not just another building or church edifice, it was the holy place where sacrifices were made and people met wiht God. And it symbolized the nation's close relationship with the Almighty.

A shabby Temple indicated a break in that relationship. And that's exactly what had happened. the people had built fine homes for themselves while leaving God's house in ruins.

Priorities. Values. God's people had it wrong.

Have you made a value check lately? Discover what God told the Jerusalem Jews through Haggai, and make sure you are putting first things first.

Max Lucado

Unknown said...

"I have called for a time without rain on the land, and on the mountains..." v11

I love the picture of this. God, sovreign over nature, ordaining the weather to bless or withhold.