Monday, May 17, 2010

Numbers 15


Unknown said...

Wow. My devotional notes;

"God declares that He will faithfully remove the created things which can be shaken- the shakeable kingdom. Why? So that the unshakeable can remain. Created things give cultural Christianity its toehold. Created things defeat us and choke the Word- the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth (Mat 13:22)

When we cross over the line and refuse HIm who speaks, He will separate us from the created things- the idols, the shakeable kingdom- which dilute our devotion to Him. If we cannot remain obedient, if we cannot be holy, then He will discipline us for our own good, "that we may share in his holiness"...

Do not be alarmed if God shakesu p your world. Though your first natural thought will disagree, it is a blessing. It is not a sign you are unworthy- everyone one of us is unworthy,. It is not a sign of hatred, but love. If He did not love you , He would let you completely self destruct. As it is, He cleanses your life from sin...

When God disciplines you by removing created things, by shaking up your temporal kingdom, rejoice and be glad. Created things divide our affectionsfrom God and become competition to our devotion. They lure us into the wrong race. Rhey consume oru creativity and deflect our thoughts away from the Lord Jesus.

Question: What is your ideal day? Go ahead, dream a little. Does God have a place it it? If iHe is off to the side you need realignment. Do something today to give God a greater share of your life.

From Walkign With Christ in the Details of Life by Patrick M. Morley.

Jude said...

Wow indeed. Great food for thought from your devotional.

It is very clear in this chapter that our thoughts should be of God first and foremost and we must re-align if it is not. I am not certain that I have ever read about the "Sabbath Breaker Put to Death". Even though we do not live under the law, it causes one to pause and think about how very serious God was about this commandment. I have learned in the past several years about what a gift the Sabbath is...truly a gift...permission to rest and spend time with my family. It was intially rather burdensome....a hinderance to my productivity...another example of God's way not making sense to me but being the best when we take the chance to trust and follow him.

Chris said...

Reading about stoning breaks my heart. It's one of those things in scripture I will trust in the sovereignty of God and his good purposes.

The NEXT portion I LOVE. The tassels as a rememberance of the commands, the commitment, the love and once again, the sovereignty of God. Makes me want to buy yards of blue thread and adorn all my clothes. Never forget, Chris, never forget!

Unknown said...

Just smiled when I read your comment, Chris. I can just picture "Holy to the Lord" embroidered on all your spiffy new apparell finds. Sounds like you had a fun day, so glad.