Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nehemiah 12


Unknown said...

My apologies, I got my chapters mixed up again. This was supposed to be yesterday's reading and Prov 4 was today!

"When the wall of Jerusalem was offered as a gift to God... they came... to celebrate with joy the gift of the wall." v27-28

Offering all we do, all we establish, as a gift from and back to the Lord, dedicated to Him for His service and glory. Whether it be our home, our work, our ministry, our relationships. To celebrate the gift of those things and offer them back to God for His glory.

Shailey said...

"the two choirs that were giving thanks then proceeded to the temple of God where they took their places." verse 40

"they played and sang and loudly and clearly under the direction of Jezrahiah the choir director. many sacrifices were offered on that joyous day for God had given the people cause for great joy." verse 42-43
The people rememberd that God was in charge and gave thanks to God,some of us usually just forget that god did anything I know I do sometimes,but God wants us to always remember him.

Denise said...

"The trumpet that earlier was a tool to rally the workers against a potential threat (4:18) now became one of the instruments used to celebrate the completion of a task, the rededication of the people, and praise to God. Not only had he written powerful psalms, King David also had instituted music as part of worship in the Temple. Although Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed the Temple, he couldn't destroy worship or the music that served that purpose so well. The reconstruction of the Temple and the walls signaled the worship band to start playing again with gusto!"