Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Job 11


Unknown said...

really when it comes down to it, this chapter seems to be about misjudging. We already know that what is happening to Job is not a result of hidden sin in his life, but that is what Zophar is assuming. We should never make assumptions about other people's standing before God, but only be loving, gracious and encourage and exhort them on to a closer walk with Him despite their circumstances.

Elisa said...

"He certainly knows when people tell lies.When He sees evil,He pays careful attention to it."-vs11

Pay careful attention to what you do and say,for He sees your every move,do not lie tell the truth and you will be rewarded.


Shailey said...

"Can you solve the mysteries of God?Can you discover everything there is to know about the almighty?"-vs7 We don't know of everything God does,even if we did we probably wouldn't understand all of it,He is very mysterios,and maybe it is best that we don't know everything about God.

Berry Girl said...

it seems like Zophar is accusing Job of claiming to be sinless, when Job has already admitted that he has sinned, what he denies is having an unrepentant heart.

And the stuff that he says about reptentance (vv. 13-14) are good, but he fails to see that God often allows suffering for what seems to be no good or apparent reason, and not connected necessarily to our heart state.

Unknown said...

yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head. good to "see you" here. I got the girls to put their journaling here today so I wouldn't feel like I was talking to myself :)

Joan said...

Thanks, PC for faithfully sharing your insights with us all. My November has been crazy busy and so I've struggled to even get the passages read let alone make intelligent comments. Satan sure works overtime in getting me to think Bible reading "won't be necessary today". I look so forward to this month as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
(I know that none of this has anything to do with Job!)

Unknown said...

Hey, Joan. That's okay! Who cares if what you have to share has nothing to do with Job, it has everything to do with fellowship, and that is what this place is really for. We all have seasons like that, and it is the enemy's tried and true method of operation. I know if I don't make it a priority, a first priority, it most likely won't happen. I always picture that kids feature of putting the rocks in the jar first and how the sand falls around it, but if you try to fit the rocks in on top of all the sand, they don't fit in. I'm looking forward to this month as well!